Direct Navigation
Our portfolio of domain names generates highly targeted and qualitative traffic to support and diversify your SEM campaigns.
How does this work?
DomCollect´s domains receive traffic via direct navigation.
With direct navigation, users search the internet by typing keywords into the browser instead of using a search engine for help. According to the E-tailing Group Eighth Annual Merchant survey conducted in the first quarter of 2009, users that reach retail sites via direct navigation have been identified as top customers.
If you think about the results of this survey a bit, you can agree that it really does make sense. If a user types into the browser it is very likely that he/she searches for information in regards to credit. And voila – that is a potential customer!
DomCollect has categorized the portfolio down to a keyword/category for each domain. Therefore we are able to quickly identify targeted traffic for our customers. Once we know which targeted traffic is needed we can redirect the user to a website our client wants us to.
You prefer specific geo locations? No problem! Our tools can assist you with this request as well and provide you with what you want.
Key Benefits
Besides competitive pricing, direct navigation offers various key benefits:
Direct navigation traffic is easy to plan as there are no quality scores or CTRs
Excellent conversion rates
You are less dependent on search engines as a main traffic source
Want to know more?
Click here to contact our team of specialists who will help you create the best ROI for you business!